Monday, 10 September 2007

What iv been up to recently

Just incase your interested, here's what Iv been up to recently...

life.... seems a little more settled in general, suddenly realising im 23 years old, not 17 and feeling tired, not being able to "burn the candle at both ends." Im having to learn to rest more which is working!

work.... is taking more priority in life at the moment as if it doesnt I will end up a dependent, poor and badly trained nurse who didnt pay enough attention to his studies and regrets it! Seriously, we have just a few more months of a course to go and I need to give more effort than I have been, not that my marks have been below 70% but because I work with peoples lives which needs 100%!!!!!

Charity.... well what is charity? Im reading a great book at the moment by Tim Chester called Good news for the poor. He mentioned welfare VS development. Welfare provides immidiate needs but development empowers people to meet thier own needs. So im doing alot of thinking. Had the satisfaction of taking the charity to an exhibition at a festival and for the first time really felt we are established, people are really interested in what we are doing! All up for more as we are lead by God, some interesting ideas in the pipeline.

Accomodation..... im on the lookout for a place to buy... not urgently though!

Itchy feet.... yes its that time of year again, I have holiday to use before March and am feeling a bit of travelling coming on. Young single.... people tell me to take the opportunity. Im thinking short distances though. Anyone know of a good retreat place to take a week of quietness in?

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Friday, 24 August 2007

Im on my break on a night shift

Im writing this on my break on a night shift, im quite bored, but if you want to know what its like read on...

Its not all that bad. In a strange way, nite shifts can put life back on the "normal" routine as you have to rest - all you can do is work and rest instead of the normal work - socialise - TV - internet - rest - cycle that kinda wears you out. I also have a long endurance for being functional when awake (about 36 hrs) - but im sure that my life will be shorter as a result of the extra stress and proven link to increased risk of cancer in shift workers. I occasionally drink large volumes of fruit juice to raise my vitamin levels to fight off any unhealthiness but its purely imaginary that I will be any healthier.

Tonight was interesting, challenging patient, very sick ("sick" in our world means about to die), had to pull the emergency buzzer for the first time (well i didnt pull it, someone else did). Outcome was good though, the patient survived. Yay.

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Sunday, 5 August 2007

My heart it burns, for You

For You

So deep, so mysterious,
So funny, so serious,
So beautiful, so clear,
So fine, not a smear,
So real, so true,
My heart it burns,
For you.

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Visit to India July 07

Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard
Wow im back and quite jetlagged. Just briefly, I have been to India as part of the work I do with the Charity Micah's Call International, a charity set up by myself and freinds last year. we went to visit the needy childrens home that our partner organisation runs and where we have children who we sponsor.

There was 5 of us from the UK, and I will just mention some higlights - going to a mountain resort with and English climate - Indian food - meeting village people all over the area - spending time with our Christian brothers and sisters - relaxing in a convent rest house and being invited to choir practice - stopping off in Sri Lanka on the way home - visiting Bangalore - eating nice food - again.

Generally we had a great time. I think all of us were really impacted by the lives the people there lead, even though we don't fully understand thier culture at all. The children were the highlight, they dont have TV's or gameboys or any of our normal luxuries but thier happiness was so real and infectious, they were content and at hme through all thier struggles and loss. Truly amazing.

See for more info.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Uncle Richard

There are two reasons why I am called Uncle Richard.

The first has just been revealed - I will be an uncle to my bro an sis inlaw baby! Its still small, but the scan shows a big foot already!

The second is by the kids in India in the orphanage the charity supports. Im taking leave from work to go there in two weeks time.

So im happy!

My post about a new job seems a little cheesy now im settling into work. Its a strange thing, but there are kind of reverberations of attitudes from my previous job which seem to hang around me. Like negativity - expecting the worst. Not that things are perfect, but there is a different way of thinking in the place where I work now. Maybe it becuase the building is new and kept clean! Maybe its the staff, good training, plenty of supplies due to the nature of the work. I have to leave behind the negative aspects of my old job, and draw on my strengths to help me in such a complex new job. Thankfully its not to hard to do that - except that my general positive receptive cheerful demenour is in no way the same at night - im still working on being civil at 4 am in the morning!

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Thursday, 31 May 2007

First few days of new job

Hey there, thought id update on my new job - recently started in a very different area of nursing ITU! Very different to ward nursing. Currently, im just enjoying being a student again, learning the ropes and being slghtly scared that in only few more shifts it will be me on my own, or maybe my patients should be scared!

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Monday, 21 May 2007

Such a good holiday

Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
Wow im back.

Been for a weeks holiday while inbetween changing jobs - did some walking in the Lake District with my cousin. Was a really good time. We just walked to various hostels where the rest of the day was spent drying out and reading (TV and internet not generally provided). Although a walking holiday (yes we did climb some mountains) it was ultimately relaxing and generally the whole day was really peaceful. It allowed me to get my head around some things (life in London) which was good. I would highly reccomend the lake district to anyone looking to get away from it all.

Started in my new job this week! Seems great!

More photos on my flickr site

Monday, 14 May 2007

Last shift in this job!

Yikes, it really is the last shift that I will do in the hospital im working in. Its a night and it quiet which is nice (for the uninitiated - saying its "quiet" is a jinx that even I cannot deny - it makes the shift become busy - so "quiet" is not a word we use - im only saying it because its 5am in the morning). I start in one week in intensive care in a big London hospital. Looking forward to it, but I really need to clear my head and relax first so its off to the lakes to do some walking!

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Saturday, 5 May 2007

A small fish in a big pond

Originally uploaded by a_trotskyite.
I realised something the other day, and it may amuse you. I was on the phone to an event organiser, trying to arrange our charity a spot in thier exhibition. I realised then, that in terms of a charity, we really are a small fish in a big pond. A little dishartning considering my great expectations! I can hear you say "you had to see it sometime"!

The truth is we are so wrapped up in the things we love to do that we fail to see the bigger picture. In one sense, this is good, as we aim high and expect much, in another sense, we misplace our ambitions, thinking we can go higher than we can expect to.

The healthy way through of course is to see oursleves as something, aim high and learn from those who have been there before us. "One small spark can burn down the forest of injustice." and that is what I believe!

As I do more work to further our goals as a charity, I meet more and more people and small organisations doing good work for those in disadvantaged positions in this world, and together a huge impact is being made!

A walk in the park

Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
Ok, so this picture was taken at a freinds house, but I was surprized the other day going for a walk in regents park in the morning. It was so nice, and it was like the flowers were just posing for my camera! See more pics on my flickr page (link below). Nature has a way of showing itself off, it is definitly an awesome thing!

Monday, 16 April 2007

Come fly with me....

View from the roof
Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
Well its confirmed, the flights are booked. Again this year, in about 2 months time, myself and four of the people I know best in life are taking a visit the the childrens home the charity I help run supports in India. Check out the Micah's Call link on the side bar for more info.

We go in July for two weeks and will probably spend some time chilling (or rather sweating) and much of the time getting dug into the work we have gone to do. We are looking forward to really getting to grips with the reality of life in rural India. We will be joining in with the churches work in areas of health and social care in the very rural and quite often poor areas of South India. Like all visits to a different culture, we anticipate the challenegs it will bring but we also look forward to changed lives on our return and are praying that God will use us to do good for His kingdom in the short time we have there.

Ill keep you posted!

This European ad......

I thought this was quite cool. Fill in the tick boxes and it colours your European travels! Notice I havnt been to Scotland - something I should correct sometime soon.

create your personalized map of europe
or check out our Barcelona travel guide

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Friday, 6 April 2007

A new job!

Wahay I did it.

Iv broken out the "limited jobs" box of nursing in the NHS and managed to secure a new job in intensive care. Its about 5 minutes away from where I live which is great!

Having worked on a ward for over a year now, I have really come to the conclusion that I prefer 1 on 1 nursing rather than a caseload of 6 patients - even if the 1 on 1 patients dont talk back! Strange to say, but thats how im wired it seems.

I calculated that this new job will save me 1) about £50 / month in transport costs and 2) 6 hrs / week in time due to not travelling to work for 1.30 hrs each shift.

I start in about 6 weeks!

Thats all for now...

Check out my other places on the web::

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

A strange desire to study...

Recently, I have been caught by a feeling that I actually want to study again. Talking of essays a few months ago filled me with a feeling of dread but I think the effects of school and college have somewhat worn off.

We all know that writing essays is actually interesting and even fun, in a wierd sort of way. So im going to try out some distance learning, and also maybe study more for my degree in nursing as well.

Ill keep you posted if your remotely interested.

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The losers, the sinners, the failures, and the fools...

What an awesome group I found on Facebook. "The losers, the sinners, the failures, and the fools". For anyone on, check out this group if its your thing, its worth a read. Find it by search or through my profile group lists if you can see them.

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Jehova's Witnesses

Interesting thing happened this week - there was a knock on the door one morning. I opened it to find two guys, wanting to talk about the truth of the Bible. I said I was a Christian and they said they were too - but did I know what the reason for suffering in the world was? It was a priming question of course. In the ensuing discussion I managed to learn a few things about Jehova's Witnesses that I found very interesting:

1) Their translation of the Christian bible was completed by anonymous people - they dont know who the translators were.
2) They call themselves Christians but the religion is NOTHING LIKE orthodox Christianity AT ALL!
3) Some converts (like the one I was talking to) convert because they don't like the Bibles teaching on Hell or because the trinity is hard to explain, which in my opinion are not great reasons for believing in something - by definition God is hard to explain!
4)They have an extensive array of answers about Bible passages but talk very little about the religion itself, what it means and what its about. They are very eager to prove their version of the bible by looking at mistranslated scriptures and comparing these with other versions of bibles no one uses because of thier inaccuracies.

I don't want to degrade or make fun of Jehova's Witnesses here, and I respect anothers person views and faith, but that doesnt mean I have to say why I can't believe in it!

All in all, I learnt quite a bit, and was also challenged that I need to know more about MY faith - I have read the Bible many times, and I believe it is true, not because it all makes sense straight away, or that I partcularly like all of it - but because deep inside I know that it is very much exactly what Christians call the "Truth" that sets men free. To know more about it is the key to knowing what is not the truth, such as the religious experiences I encountered on my doorstep.

You only know God once you have accepted that we come by faith, and not in a human reasoned argument, however good that argument may be.

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Monday, 5 March 2007

Learning how to relax

Learning how to relax is a good thing and i have been dedicating more time to relaxing recently. So here is what we got up to last sunday evening, having had a few poeple around for dinner - enjoy the new hit of "Sofa dancing"!!!!!!

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Monday, 12 February 2007

The Philipines

Wow, that was an interesting trip. Right in the middle of my stay in Malaysia, I took a trip to Manila to visit some freinds. Had a great time! This view was from the place called Tagaytay we had breakfast from, sitting on top of a mountain overlooking a lake with a volcano in the middle.

Phillipinos will quickly confess that they love to have fun. Its true, as I had a great time. They also love to shop it seems. Manila has huge shopping malls, one of which is the third largest in Asia. It even had an iceskating rink inside it!

Can I come again?

Friday, 9 February 2007

Back from Malaysia

Im back, very jet lagged, but this is an overview of the trip.

The afternoon i left Malaysia, I was standing in the sea on a white sandy beach, watching tropical fish swim around. The sad thing was that there wasnt anyone with me to share the experience, but thats partly the reason why im glad to be back. The Lonely Plant travel books are aptly named if your travelling alone, which i was for a good deal of my trip.

I had initially travelled out to Malaysia with my grandparents who were visiting a freind, and we had a nice time, relaxing and have a break from work. It was well needed. As time wore on though, we figured that the trips to see the amazing wildlife of Borneo (part of Malaysia) were ok in price but expensive if thats all you had to do during the day.

I took a weekend to visit freinds in Manila, The Phillipines. This was an awesome trip. I was hardly in my hotel (thankfully due to its location in the noisy redlight district) and we visited some amazing places in and around Manila (photos on flickr).

When i got back to Malyasia, I was in Kota kinabalu, a largish town across the island from Sandakan town where I had been the first week. I took in the sights and relaxed in the hotel. The day I left, I took a boat trip to the nearby islands which were amazing, and porbably the cheapest trip I made during the whole two weeks!

Anyway, thats all for now but I will probably write more about some stuff that happened in a few days!

Monday, 29 January 2007


Hey there, a post from far away!

Im currently in Borneo which for those who arnt sure.....

Is the old colonial name for what is now part of Malaysia and Indonisia (im in Sabah - part of borneo in malaysia). There are roughtly the same amount of Malays, Chinese and Indians, all with the own distinctive culturer and languages. The democratic jusdicial system AND Sharia (muslim) law are applicable at the same time (confusing) depending on whether your muslim or not.

And its hot - well not too hot, just very humid. When you walk its like being wrapped in a blanket. Kinda nice actually.

So im here in a hotel, my grandparents staying with freinds. Im getting a little bored but its nice to relax and we are going to see some of the local sights soon. Going away with no reaosn but holiday is really boring to me, however this trip does have some purpose. I think this is one of the wettest places on earth so we are hoping that the rain will let up for a bit tomorow to see some monkeys with big noses.

Until then....

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Monday, 15 January 2007

Whats going on??????

Whats going on in life?

Strange things happen in life, but sometimes, don't you find that things can just pile up and make time seem a little out of control. Its like being a passenger of your life instead of being in the driving seat!

Last week I moved house, and iv hardly been home since! Classically, I got exhausted, and on top of that, then had to do some night shifts! Anyway, things seem to be alright - sometimes we expect the worst in life but God's got other plans. Life is always up up and up with God, whatever the circumstances or however much I muck up and make a fool of myself.

There is always a higher branch to climb to to get us out of this rut we call life!

Iv been trying to get my head around star wars 2 and 3....... not totally convinced the films did the books justice even though i'v never read the books.

Till the next time...

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

More on nursing....

Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
Ok, so this is me at work. I work in a surgical ward, which doesnt mean we do surgery, but take care of people having surgery before and after operations.

"So when are you going to become a doctor then?" .... is a question that crops up here and now, irritating me slightly. It not that I mind being asked, its just the firmness of a persons mindset that annoys me.

Being a nurse is no longer about the womanly, caring, supporting and comforting role we commonly think it is. And I dont say that regretfully. Patients in hospitals these days are acutely ill, and its the nurses who are trained to keep them alive, not pat thier hands and tell them everything will be ok! The empahasis in this day and age is on specialising and the nursing role has specialised, and other professions and roles have taken the place of the all encompassing and comforting female form.

For example... im taking care of the patient - which means im monitoring thier breathing, heart rate, general conciousness, giving essential drugs, etc etc. If that patient needs to talk to someone, im there, but so is the hospital councillor or chaplin, or supportive family - while my attention HAS to turn to my other patient who is looking a bit blue in the face.

Its not ideal I admit, the government only pays for the nurses it needs to stop poeple dieing.

Would I like to be able to do my job better - YES - virtually every nurse you meet would say the same thing - but we dont have time to do it brilliantly (and this includes watching out for that patient who needs a little "caring" care, not essential to survival). We get the most done with the time and manpower we have.

Is it beyond a man to say a few words of encouragement to a person who is going through multiple operations - or to say a word or two of sympathy to relatives of a dead patient? You decide? The rest of the nursing role is technical, specialised and not something for people who like the smell of flowers......

Monday, 1 January 2007

Moving on...

The time has come, and im moving on, away from home. My mum described it like this;

...its like when the lion cubs leave the care of the mother for the openess of life as an adult, the mother can't help but be sad.....

...which was a very abstract thing for my mum to say, but it said the point even if lions do chase away thier own young when they get to big..... (im sure there wasnt a veiled meaning in her words)...

Anyway... im moving to central / North London, a place I never thought id move to. Its gonna be a big change but im looking forward to it.