Monday, 29 January 2007


Hey there, a post from far away!

Im currently in Borneo which for those who arnt sure.....

Is the old colonial name for what is now part of Malaysia and Indonisia (im in Sabah - part of borneo in malaysia). There are roughtly the same amount of Malays, Chinese and Indians, all with the own distinctive culturer and languages. The democratic jusdicial system AND Sharia (muslim) law are applicable at the same time (confusing) depending on whether your muslim or not.

And its hot - well not too hot, just very humid. When you walk its like being wrapped in a blanket. Kinda nice actually.

So im here in a hotel, my grandparents staying with freinds. Im getting a little bored but its nice to relax and we are going to see some of the local sights soon. Going away with no reaosn but holiday is really boring to me, however this trip does have some purpose. I think this is one of the wettest places on earth so we are hoping that the rain will let up for a bit tomorow to see some monkeys with big noses.

Until then....

Thats all for now folks.....
Check out my photos for sale @
and all my other photos (900 odd) @

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