Sunday, 11 March 2007

Jehova's Witnesses

Interesting thing happened this week - there was a knock on the door one morning. I opened it to find two guys, wanting to talk about the truth of the Bible. I said I was a Christian and they said they were too - but did I know what the reason for suffering in the world was? It was a priming question of course. In the ensuing discussion I managed to learn a few things about Jehova's Witnesses that I found very interesting:

1) Their translation of the Christian bible was completed by anonymous people - they dont know who the translators were.
2) They call themselves Christians but the religion is NOTHING LIKE orthodox Christianity AT ALL!
3) Some converts (like the one I was talking to) convert because they don't like the Bibles teaching on Hell or because the trinity is hard to explain, which in my opinion are not great reasons for believing in something - by definition God is hard to explain!
4)They have an extensive array of answers about Bible passages but talk very little about the religion itself, what it means and what its about. They are very eager to prove their version of the bible by looking at mistranslated scriptures and comparing these with other versions of bibles no one uses because of thier inaccuracies.

I don't want to degrade or make fun of Jehova's Witnesses here, and I respect anothers person views and faith, but that doesnt mean I have to say why I can't believe in it!

All in all, I learnt quite a bit, and was also challenged that I need to know more about MY faith - I have read the Bible many times, and I believe it is true, not because it all makes sense straight away, or that I partcularly like all of it - but because deep inside I know that it is very much exactly what Christians call the "Truth" that sets men free. To know more about it is the key to knowing what is not the truth, such as the religious experiences I encountered on my doorstep.

You only know God once you have accepted that we come by faith, and not in a human reasoned argument, however good that argument may be.

Thats all for now folks.....
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