Saturday, 5 May 2007

A small fish in a big pond

Originally uploaded by a_trotskyite.
I realised something the other day, and it may amuse you. I was on the phone to an event organiser, trying to arrange our charity a spot in thier exhibition. I realised then, that in terms of a charity, we really are a small fish in a big pond. A little dishartning considering my great expectations! I can hear you say "you had to see it sometime"!

The truth is we are so wrapped up in the things we love to do that we fail to see the bigger picture. In one sense, this is good, as we aim high and expect much, in another sense, we misplace our ambitions, thinking we can go higher than we can expect to.

The healthy way through of course is to see oursleves as something, aim high and learn from those who have been there before us. "One small spark can burn down the forest of injustice." and that is what I believe!

As I do more work to further our goals as a charity, I meet more and more people and small organisations doing good work for those in disadvantaged positions in this world, and together a huge impact is being made!


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...

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