Saturday, 16 December 2006

The strangest thing

This has to be rated as one of the most amusing stories the BBC has ever reported.

The worlds tallest man saves two dolphins...... and his height isnt even the funny part - its how he saved them... check it out

Wednesday, 13 December 2006


Flickr is amazing. Its a great way to share photos. Im fiddling around with some features that mean I can post slideshows of my photos on my blog, rather than just individual photos. Watch this space...

Sunday, 10 December 2006

Farewell my freind

Farewell my freind
Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
This is Madan Kumar, a child I was sponsoring in India through Micah's Call International. Recently he caught the Chikun Gunya virus which is endemic in South Asia. He died of the virus this December very sadly. I had met him on my visits to the home. He was a natural leader and had a freindly, good nature to him. He was once only a sponsored child thousands of miles away, but sometimes the value of something only presents itself once it is gone. The news is sad, if not tragic.

I realise even more now ,why we do this - why we sponsor, why we give to those in need - because they are people too, and are valued just as much as you or I!

Saturday, 9 December 2006

Interesting India

India is a place that facinated me the first time I went there. I have been involved in setting up and running Micah's Call International who currently sponsor children in an orphanage in South India. This video was filmed when we visited in October 2006. Check out for more info on what we are doing.

Friday, 8 December 2006


I work as a nurse. Being a student wasnt great, but when I first qualified, I began to realise that I was onto a good thing.

For one thing, the pay was ok, not the pits as is commonly moaned about. Secondly, it was actually not that scary to start as a newly qualified nurse.

The longer term benifits of nursing are good too. There is the shift work and holidays that, even 9 months into working, still makes me amused that this is the job I do.

It works like this......

Our shifts are done on a request basis, we are allocated unless we request "Day off". We are only allocated weekends and nights (if we havn't requested them off) and then are free to pencil in our weekday requests. They may not be granted, but generally they are.

Because we have to work Bank holidays, adding the 8 each year to our regular holiday allowance means I can take up to 7 straight weeks of holiday a year....

So much holiday? There is of course an argument that the stress we have warrents good holidays, but I tend to think of it simply as coincidental. I dont get the bank holidays (although I do get paid more for working on them), and instead get time off "in loo" (I know thats spelt wrong).

Interested in taking up nursing (and 90% of my course were 30+ years)???

Now that you see the carrot dangling in front of you, let me tell you how to get it.... A three year relativly easy nursing course (no A levels required) will get you through, and, if you find a job at the end, then good for you! You will join the strange ranks of people who routinly stop people dieing, while also caring for peoples most intimate hygiene needs.... and thats not something I will say anything more about here!

But wait a second - im a male - and im meant to be a caring nurse?!?!?

more thoughts on that coming soon.............

Thursday, 7 December 2006


Originally uploaded by thenamesrichard.
Strange things happen.....

I took this picture in Hyderabad India in October 06 and when I put it up on Flickr, another user (other users can comment on your pictures) made the comment "Mmm Milk, id love some"

I thought that was quite a strange thing to say.

Saturday, 2 December 2006

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. I cant always promise to update it, but when im travelling I will do my best. In the last year I have been to:

The Netherlands

and im off to Malaysia in Jan. So if your interested to know what I get up, and maybe indulge in a little lite reading, and see pictures, keep updated on this site!

Look to the right side of the screen for posts catagorised by date -->

For the uninitiated........
Whats a blog? Its an online web-log - simply a place to write thoughts and random writings and whatever comes into my brain.

A blog is useful because:
1) I can update it while im abroad, instead of sending lots of update emails!
2) I can write things (I quite like to write).
3) You can write comments back to me.

If you get bored, check out my photos at and also where my passion lies in life -closely related, indeed made partly from - travelling -

oop North....


I just been up North of the country for a few days, to Manchester, and Huddersfield to visit family. Why would I want to know that you say?!?!?

Well I have come to the conclusion that I think deserves public admission....... From what iv seen, northerners are actually nicer than southerners.

As a southerner, I have to give it to them...