Saturday, 2 December 2006

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. I cant always promise to update it, but when im travelling I will do my best. In the last year I have been to:

The Netherlands

and im off to Malaysia in Jan. So if your interested to know what I get up, and maybe indulge in a little lite reading, and see pictures, keep updated on this site!

Look to the right side of the screen for posts catagorised by date -->

For the uninitiated........
Whats a blog? Its an online web-log - simply a place to write thoughts and random writings and whatever comes into my brain.

A blog is useful because:
1) I can update it while im abroad, instead of sending lots of update emails!
2) I can write things (I quite like to write).
3) You can write comments back to me.

If you get bored, check out my photos at and also where my passion lies in life -closely related, indeed made partly from - travelling -

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