Monday, 12 February 2007

The Philipines

Wow, that was an interesting trip. Right in the middle of my stay in Malaysia, I took a trip to Manila to visit some freinds. Had a great time! This view was from the place called Tagaytay we had breakfast from, sitting on top of a mountain overlooking a lake with a volcano in the middle.

Phillipinos will quickly confess that they love to have fun. Its true, as I had a great time. They also love to shop it seems. Manila has huge shopping malls, one of which is the third largest in Asia. It even had an iceskating rink inside it!

Can I come again?

Friday, 9 February 2007

Back from Malaysia

Im back, very jet lagged, but this is an overview of the trip.

The afternoon i left Malaysia, I was standing in the sea on a white sandy beach, watching tropical fish swim around. The sad thing was that there wasnt anyone with me to share the experience, but thats partly the reason why im glad to be back. The Lonely Plant travel books are aptly named if your travelling alone, which i was for a good deal of my trip.

I had initially travelled out to Malaysia with my grandparents who were visiting a freind, and we had a nice time, relaxing and have a break from work. It was well needed. As time wore on though, we figured that the trips to see the amazing wildlife of Borneo (part of Malaysia) were ok in price but expensive if thats all you had to do during the day.

I took a weekend to visit freinds in Manila, The Phillipines. This was an awesome trip. I was hardly in my hotel (thankfully due to its location in the noisy redlight district) and we visited some amazing places in and around Manila (photos on flickr).

When i got back to Malyasia, I was in Kota kinabalu, a largish town across the island from Sandakan town where I had been the first week. I took in the sights and relaxed in the hotel. The day I left, I took a boat trip to the nearby islands which were amazing, and porbably the cheapest trip I made during the whole two weeks!

Anyway, thats all for now but I will probably write more about some stuff that happened in a few days!